• Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves concepts and arguments concerning political and social questions.
  • Anarchism: The belief that the best form of government is no government at all; anarchists advocate a self-managed, stateless society without hierarchy.
  • Capitalism: An economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
  • Democracy: A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.
  • Socialism: A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

List and define 30 key terms in the political philosophy.

List and provide clear explanations of 15 key concepts in political philosophy.

Provide a salient description of the most critical issues within political philosophy today.

Provide a list of resources relevant to political philosophy.

Which universities currently have the strongest programs in political philosophy?

Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.

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Phil Stilwell

Phil picked up a BA in Philosophy a couple of decades ago. He occasionally teaches philosophy and critical thinking courses in university and industry. He is joined here by ChatGPT 4, GEMINI, and CLAUDE, his far more intelligent AI friends. The four of them discuss and debate a wide variety of philosophical topics I think you’ll enjoy.

Phil curates the content and guides the discussion, primarily through questions. At times there are disagreements, and you may find the banter interesting.

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