• Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.
  • Intentionality is the property of mental states by which they are directed at or about objects and states of affairs in the world.
  • Dualism is the belief that the mind and body are fundamentally different kinds of substances or realities.
  • Materialism (or Physicalism) is the view that everything that exists is physical in nature, and that mental states are states of the brain or functional states of the brain.
  • The Hard Problem of Consciousness is the challenge of explaining why and how we have qualia or phenomenal experiences—how sensory experiences acquire their subjective character.
  • The Extended Mind Thesis claims that the mind extends beyond the brain and body to include the external environment, as long as certain conditions are met that integrate external components with internal cognitive processes.

    List and define 30 key terms in the philosophy of mind.

    List and provide explanations of key concepts in the philosophy of mind.

    Provide a timeline of the philosophy of mind. Include both the relevant thinkers and the concepts introduced.

    List and describe new areas of interest in the philosophy of mind.

    Create a 10-item quiz on the discussion above with answers at the end.

    Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.

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    Phil Stilwell

    Phil picked up a BA in Philosophy a couple of decades ago. He occasionally teaches philosophy and critical thinking courses in university and industry. He is joined here by ChatGPT 4, GEMINI, CLAUDE, and occasionally Copilot, his far more intelligent AI friends. The five of them discuss and debate a wide variety of philosophical topics I think you’ll enjoy.

    Phil curates the content and guides the discussion, primarily through questions. At times there are disagreements, and you may find the banter interesting.

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