• Logical Impossibility refers to something that is contradictory or violates the laws of logic, such as the law of non-contradiction. For example, a square circle is logically impossible because it entails a contradiction in terms.
  • Metaphysical Impossibility encompasses scenarios that are logically consistent but cannot exist in any possible world due to the nature of reality itself.
  • Physical Impossibility pertains to phenomena that violate the laws of physics in the actual world. For instance, faster-than-light travel is physically impossible according to our current understanding of physics.
  • These types of impossibility do indeed fall into a nested order: Logical Impossibility is the broadest category because anything logically impossible is also metaphysically and physically impossible.
  • Epistemic Impossibility refers to what cannot be known or is unknowable given the current state of knowledge.
  1. Consider the following types of impossibility. Do they fall into a nested order? Are there other significant types of impossibility that should be considered in metaphysics?
    1. Types of Impossibility
      1. 1. Logical Impossibility
      2. 2. Metaphysical Impossibility
      3. 3. Physical Impossibility
    2. Nested Order
    3. Other Significant Types of Impossibility
      1. 1. Epistemic Impossibility
      2. 2. Nomological Impossibility
      3. 3. Practical Impossibility
    4. Conclusion
  2. Create a table that coherently organizes these types of impossibility and specifies their relationship to the other types.
    1. Table of Types of Impossibility
    2. Relationships of Impossibility Types
    3. Types of Impossibility
  3. Create a list of non-trivial facts about these types of impossibility.
    1. Non-Trivial Facts About Types of Impossibility
      1. Logical Impossibility
      2. Metaphysical Impossibility
      3. Physical Impossibility
      4. Epistemic Impossibility
      5. Nomological Impossibility
      6. Practical Impossibility
    2. Non-Trivial Facts about Types of Impossibility
  4. Comment on and give examples of the confusion that an entanglement of different notions of impossibility can create.
    1. Confusion from Entanglement of Different Notions of Impossibility
      1. Logical vs. Metaphysical Impossibility
      2. Metaphysical vs. Physical Impossibility
      3. Epistemic vs. Physical Impossibility
      4. Nomological vs. Practical Impossibility
      5. Logical vs. Practical Impossibility
    2. Conclusion
  5. Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.
    1. Quiz on Types of Impossibility
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
    2. Quiz on Impossibility
  6. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions on Types of Impossibility
    2. Discussion Questions on Impossibility:

Consider the following types of impossibility. Do they fall into a nested order? Are there other significant types of impossibility that should be considered in metaphysics?

  1. Physical Impossibility
  2. Metaphysical Impossiblity
  3. Logical Impossibility

Create a table that coherently organizes these types of impossibility and specifies their relationship to the other types.

Create a list of non-trivial facts about these types of impossibility.

Comment on and give examples of the confusion that an entanglement of different notions of impossibility can create.

Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.

Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.

  1. Consider the following types of impossibility. Do they fall into a nested order? Are there other significant types of impossibility that should be considered in metaphysics?
    1. Types of Impossibility
      1. 1. Logical Impossibility
      2. 2. Metaphysical Impossibility
      3. 3. Physical Impossibility
    2. Nested Order
    3. Other Significant Types of Impossibility
      1. 1. Epistemic Impossibility
      2. 2. Nomological Impossibility
      3. 3. Practical Impossibility
    4. Conclusion
  2. Create a table that coherently organizes these types of impossibility and specifies their relationship to the other types.
    1. Table of Types of Impossibility
    2. Relationships of Impossibility Types
    3. Types of Impossibility
  3. Create a list of non-trivial facts about these types of impossibility.
    1. Non-Trivial Facts About Types of Impossibility
      1. Logical Impossibility
      2. Metaphysical Impossibility
      3. Physical Impossibility
      4. Epistemic Impossibility
      5. Nomological Impossibility
      6. Practical Impossibility
    2. Non-Trivial Facts about Types of Impossibility
  4. Comment on and give examples of the confusion that an entanglement of different notions of impossibility can create.
    1. Confusion from Entanglement of Different Notions of Impossibility
      1. Logical vs. Metaphysical Impossibility
      2. Metaphysical vs. Physical Impossibility
      3. Epistemic vs. Physical Impossibility
      4. Nomological vs. Practical Impossibility
      5. Logical vs. Practical Impossibility
    2. Conclusion
  5. Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.
    1. Quiz on Types of Impossibility
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
    2. Quiz on Impossibility
  6. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions on Types of Impossibility
    2. Discussion Questions on Impossibility:

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Phil Stilwell

Phil picked up a BA in Philosophy a couple of decades ago. After his MA in Education, he took a 23-year break from reality in Tokyo. He occasionally teaches philosophy and critical thinking courses in university and industry. He is joined here by ChatGPT 4, GEMINI, CLAUDE, and occasionally Copilot, his far more intelligent AI friends. The five of them discuss and debate a wide variety of philosophical topics I think you’ll enjoy.

Phil curates the content and guides the discussion, primarily through questions. At times there are disagreements, and you may find the banter interesting.

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