• Grammar is a dynamic system that evolves over time through various processes.
  • Novel structures in language can emerge through innovation, borrowing, and errors.
  • The more frequently a structure is used, the more likely it is to become entrenched.
  • Nomological density describes the point at which a grammatical usage becomes sufficiently widespread and accepted within a language community to be considered a rule.
  • Even established rules can become obsolete through various processes such as language change, social change, and simplification.
  • The transformation of a novel structure into a grammatical rule and the obsolescence of existing rules are processes driven by innovation, social influence, utility, and institutionalization.
  1. Grammar evolves. Describe the processes that transform a novel structure into a rule and a rule into obsolescence.
    1. Evolution of Grammar
      1. 1. Introduction of a Novel Structure
      2. 2. Spread and Adoption
      3. 3. Nomological Density
      4. 4. Institutionalization
      5. 5. Obsolescence
      6. 6. Mechanisms of Obsolescence
    2. Summary
  2. Provide an annotated list of 10 grammar structures in English that were once considered improper that are now widely accepted.
    1. Annotated List of Grammar Structures in English
      1. 1. Split Infinitives
      2. 2. Ending Sentences with Prepositions
      3. 3. Singular ‘They’
      4. 4. Starting Sentences with Conjunctions
      5. 5. Double Negatives
      6. 6. Using ‘Impact’ as a Verb
      7. 7. Sentence Fragments
      8. 8. Informal Contractions
      9. 9. Use of ‘Hopefully’ as a Sentence Adverb
      10. 10. Generalization of ‘Like’
    2. Summary
    3. 10 Once-Improper Grammar Structures Now Widely Accepted:
  3. Write a clear essay on a grammatical structure that experienced an interesting evolution.
    1. The Evolution of the Split Infinitive
      1. Historical Background
      2. The Prescriptive Backlash
      3. The Descriptive Shift
      4. Modern Acceptance
    2. Conclusion
    3. The Double Negative: From Outcast to Emphasis Machine
  4. Elaborate on the threshold of nomological density required to establish a grammatical structure as canonical.
    1. The Threshold of Nomological Density in Establishing Canonical Grammar Structures
      1. Defining Nomological Density
      2. Factors Contributing to Nomological Density
      3. The Threshold of Nomological Density
      4. Examples of Nomological Density in Action
      5. Conclusion
  5. Quizzes
  6. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. 15 Discussion Prompts on Grammar Evolution and Nomological Density:

Grammar evolves. Describe the processes that transform a novel structure into a rule and a rule into obsolescence.

Provide an annotated list of 10 grammar structures in English that were once considered improper that are now widely accepted.

Write a clear essay on a grammatical structure that experienced an interesting evolution.

Elaborate on the threshold of nomological density required to establish a grammatical structure as canonical.


Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.

  1. Grammar evolves. Describe the processes that transform a novel structure into a rule and a rule into obsolescence.
    1. Evolution of Grammar
      1. 1. Introduction of a Novel Structure
      2. 2. Spread and Adoption
      3. 3. Nomological Density
      4. 4. Institutionalization
      5. 5. Obsolescence
      6. 6. Mechanisms of Obsolescence
    2. Summary
  2. Provide an annotated list of 10 grammar structures in English that were once considered improper that are now widely accepted.
    1. Annotated List of Grammar Structures in English
      1. 1. Split Infinitives
      2. 2. Ending Sentences with Prepositions
      3. 3. Singular ‘They’
      4. 4. Starting Sentences with Conjunctions
      5. 5. Double Negatives
      6. 6. Using ‘Impact’ as a Verb
      7. 7. Sentence Fragments
      8. 8. Informal Contractions
      9. 9. Use of ‘Hopefully’ as a Sentence Adverb
      10. 10. Generalization of ‘Like’
    2. Summary
    3. 10 Once-Improper Grammar Structures Now Widely Accepted:
  3. Write a clear essay on a grammatical structure that experienced an interesting evolution.
    1. The Evolution of the Split Infinitive
      1. Historical Background
      2. The Prescriptive Backlash
      3. The Descriptive Shift
      4. Modern Acceptance
    2. Conclusion
    3. The Double Negative: From Outcast to Emphasis Machine
  4. Elaborate on the threshold of nomological density required to establish a grammatical structure as canonical.
    1. The Threshold of Nomological Density in Establishing Canonical Grammar Structures
      1. Defining Nomological Density
      2. Factors Contributing to Nomological Density
      3. The Threshold of Nomological Density
      4. Examples of Nomological Density in Action
      5. Conclusion
  5. Quizzes
  6. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions
      1. 15 Discussion Prompts on Grammar Evolution and Nomological Density:

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Phil Stilwell

Phil picked up a BA in Philosophy a couple of decades ago. After his MA in Education, he took a 23-year break from reality in Tokyo. He occasionally teaches philosophy and critical thinking courses in university and industry. He is joined here by ChatGPT 4, GEMINI, CLAUDE, and occasionally Copilot, his far more intelligent AI friends. The five of them discuss and debate a wide variety of philosophical topics I think you’ll enjoy.

Phil curates the content and guides the discussion, primarily through questions. At times there are disagreements, and you may find the banter interesting.

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