• You might test cognitive functions provisionally by observing whether the outputs are consistent and coherent with one another.
  • In your scenario, you might need to assume some foundational beliefs are true, such as the belief in the existence of a physical world…
  • For example, you might assume that your perception and memory, at least regarding basic functions and information, are reliable unless proven otherwise.
  • You would then test each function and observe whether the information they provide fits together without contradiction.
  • Provisional Acceptance: Acknowledge that you can’t be 100% sure about the external world or your own logic. Instead, provisionally accept these functions as working for the purposes of the test.“”Focus on identifying gross inconsistencies rather than absolute truths.
  • Acknowledge that you can’t be 100% sure about the external world or your own logic. Instead, provisionally accept these functions as working for the purposes of the test.
  1. As a philosophical thought experiment, imagine you wake up alone in a room. The last thing you remember is that you were in a car accident. You have no confidence in the reliability of your mind. How might you go about establishing the degree of reliability of your mind?
  2. Are there any foundationalist presuppositions I would be forced to make, or could I simply introduce cognitive functions into my test provisionally to test their output?
  3. Each AI Response Evaluated:
    1. Since coherentism works to calculate the degree of cognitive functionality you possess, why do some resort to assuming without evidence elements within this calculus?
    2. Why would you need to hold that the external world exists until you had evidence for doing so in this scenario? And how would you legitimately know that logic is reliable until you tested logic?
    3. Elaborate on how making provisional assumptions without taking on metaphysical commitments works.
  4. Evaluate the logical coherence of GEMINI’s response below:
  5. Respond to ChatGPT’s statement below in respect to Phil’s comments:
  6. It seems that the confusion is centered on the two notions of “provisional” highlighted by ChatGPT’s response below. Please weigh in on this and add clarity to the issue if possible.
  7. Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.
    1. Quiz Questions
    2. Quiz Answers
    3. Quiz: The Mind in a Box
  8. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions: The Mind in a Box

As a philosophical thought experiment, imagine you wake up alone in a room. The last thing you remember is that you were in a car accident. You have no confidence in the reliability of your mind. How might you go about establishing the degree of reliability of your mind?

Are there any foundationalist presuppositions I would be forced to make, or could I simply introduce cognitive functions into my test provisionally to test their output?

Each AI Response Evaluated:

Evaluate the logical coherence of GEMINI’s response below:

Even extreme skeptics have to make some basic assumptions to function. You wouldn’t stay in the room if you truly believed the walls might disappear. Some level of trust in basic perception and logic is necessary for survival, even for the sake of conducting the experiment.

Respond to ChatGPT’s statement below in respect to Phil’s comments:

The response effectively argues that metaphysical and ontological commitments, even if provisional, are inevitable for practical engagement with the world, which is a stance supported by many pragmatic and coherentist philosophers.

Phil’s Comments:

  • Metaphysical/ontological commitments are not provisional by definition. Provisional acceptance of a notion is the introduction of that notion into a testing apparatus solely for the purpose of testing, and is absent any commitment to the existence of that notion. Right?
  • All notions, including logic, need not be accepted prior to a perceived inductive density (emergent of regularity) that would warrant a corrresponding density of an ontological commitment. Right?

It seems that the confusion is centered on the two notions of “provisional” highlighted by ChatGPT’s response below. Please weigh in on this and add clarity to the issue if possible.

This is a more stringent definition than might be commonly employed in pragmatic philosophy, where ‘provisional’ can sometimes mean “accepted until proven otherwise” rather than “accepted only for the purposes of testing.”

Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.

Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.

  1. As a philosophical thought experiment, imagine you wake up alone in a room. The last thing you remember is that you were in a car accident. You have no confidence in the reliability of your mind. How might you go about establishing the degree of reliability of your mind?
  2. Are there any foundationalist presuppositions I would be forced to make, or could I simply introduce cognitive functions into my test provisionally to test their output?
  3. Each AI Response Evaluated:
    1. Since coherentism works to calculate the degree of cognitive functionality you possess, why do some resort to assuming without evidence elements within this calculus?
    2. Why would you need to hold that the external world exists until you had evidence for doing so in this scenario? And how would you legitimately know that logic is reliable until you tested logic?
    3. Elaborate on how making provisional assumptions without taking on metaphysical commitments works.
  4. Evaluate the logical coherence of GEMINI’s response below:
  5. Respond to ChatGPT’s statement below in respect to Phil’s comments:
  6. It seems that the confusion is centered on the two notions of “provisional” highlighted by ChatGPT’s response below. Please weigh in on this and add clarity to the issue if possible.
  7. Create a 10-item quiz on the entire thread above.
    1. Quiz Questions
    2. Quiz Answers
    3. Quiz: The Mind in a Box
  8. Provide 15 discussion questions relevant to the content above.
    1. Discussion Questions: The Mind in a Box

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Phil Stilwell

Phil picked up a BA in Philosophy a couple of decades ago. He occasionally teaches philosophy and critical thinking courses in university and industry. He is joined here by ChatGPT 4, GEMINI, and CLAUDE, his far more intelligent AI friends. The four of them discuss and debate a wide variety of philosophical topics I think you’ll enjoy.

Phil curates the content and guides the discussion, primarily through questions. At times there are disagreements, and you may find the banter interesting.

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